LX 1000 - Linux+ Certification Prep
Course Description
Are you interested in a career as a Linux Administrator, Network Administrator, Technical Support Specialist, Web Administrator or a System Administrator? The national median salary for this job title is $84K, and $100K regionally, according to U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. In Maryland, Industry issued certifications validate your skills and prove mastery of specific knowledge to employers. The Linux+ Certification prep course covers the exam objectives tested on the industry certification Linux+, awarded by CompTIA. The goal of this course is to prepare you to pass the CompTIA Linux+ certification exam. CompTIA Linux+ is an intermediate level certification, meant for the IT professional who will use Linux to manage everything from cars and smartphones to servers and supercomputers, as a vast number of enterprises use Linux in cloud, cybersecurity, mobile and web administration applications. Prior experience in IT, a degree in another field, or an aptitude for technology concepts is strongly encouraged before enrolling. This course updates every three years in keeping with the current exam being offered by CompTIA. This certification exam offers nationally recognized credentials. The exam is not included in the course and must be scheduled independently. All labs for this course are conducted in a virtual environment. Senior adult and disabled retiree course fee waivers apply. Transcript available.Applies Towards the Following Certificates
- CompTIA Linux+ : CompTIA Linux+